KORE Wireless 4G LTE Solutions for Plummeting Broadband Speeds

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Stay Inside and Watch Netflix

At this point in our current quarantine culture, the average person has been consuming more streaming services than they might have only a few months ago. 

Due to this massive influx of streaming, Netflix has stated that it will reduce video quality in Europe and the UK and perhaps even in the US as well. YouTube has also decided to cut its streaming quality globally.

What’s more is that in the US some 27 cities have seen broadband speed drop by 20% and a couple of cities (Austin, Winston Salem, and Oxnard) have experienced 40% slower speeds

The Effects of Reduced Broadband Speeds

In addition to the uptick in streaming, there are of course entire families working from home along with their college-age children taking online classes. As a result, broadband speeds are taking a hit, having ripple effects for all businesses with remote workers. 

To put into perspective how detrimental a slow network can be for a business, consider that each year, companies lose $26.5 billion in revenue due to IT downtime

The simple reality is that a remote workforce with slow internet speed is a slow workforce. A remote workforce with no internet connection is the same as having no workforce at all. 

KORE’s Solution to Plummeting Broadband Speeds

KORE’s failover and 4G LTE wireless solutions enable constant connectivity. You are guaranteed zero downtime if you combine KORE’s solution with your existing home internet provider, ensuring that critical applications and tools are working at their maximum potential.

KORE’s 4G LTE wireless solutions will likewise enhance bandwidth to accommodate VOIP and video conferencing while also providing visibility into SD-WAN solutions. 

As our work environment evolves into a more remote model, traditional landline internet solutions may not have the capability to handle the switch. All the more reason to look into KORE’s offering now rather than after your business’s productivity has been reduced by poor internet connection. 


The future of work is work from anywhere and Conectrix is prepared to assist your business with the transition. With over 250 suppliers, we can serve as the liaison between you and the ever-evolving technology industry. Contact us today for considerable improvement to your technology situation.

Zachary Lawless