Security in the Workplace

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Trends and Risks Today

According to Gartner, worldwide spending on cybersecurity is going to reach $133.7 billion by 2022. Moreover, by 2024, at least 40% of companies will have explicit plans to adopt SASE (Secure Access Service Edge), which is up from less than 1% at the end of 2018. As mentioned previously in the blog on Vigilant & cybersecurity , the modern day workforce is dispersed more so than ever before, leaving companies more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

What the Experts have to say:

This past week, Conectrix had the opportunity to join the Sandler Summit partner event where we had the chance to listen to some of the experts in the field of security. The providers included Dyopath, Thrive, Corvid Cyberdefense, IBM, Masergy, CATO, AT&T and Verizon (not just cellphone and internet companies).

A big point that was brought up by nearly every provider was this: understand your business framework, your risks, and your current security posture. Our providers believe that engaging in conversation with members on the executive level, not just IT staff alone, is especially important as to truly understand the goals of the company.

Security Assessment

The first most recommended action item from our experts is to start with a security assessment. In essence, this simply can be understood as a blueprint for building a more secure environment. Every company will face different problems, so there is never a one size fits all option for cybersecurity solutions. An assessment will give companies an awareness of their specific exposures in their current environment, this way they can make the most informed decision.

Determining the Best Solution:

The best part about utilizing any of the providers mentioned above, is that you as the customer can determine how much of the solution is managed on your end. Normally customers like to choose either a hybrid managed system, or let the provider handle all the work on a fully managed system. This customization depends entirely on the customer environment along with their needs and desires.

Get Connected

For most companies, having just an IT team at the office is not enough anymore to handle the cybersecurity risks being faced. Conectrix strives to be an extension of your IT team by functioning as a trusted advisor to connect your company with the right providers and best cybersecurity solutions. Please to reach out to us, and let us help answer your questions today.

Joshua Lawless